Creating an Integrated Employer Responsive Service

“People and processes deliver performance.”

This course is designed to support colleges and training providers to grow their workforce development business and improve efficiency and success. One of the key challenges faced by any training organisation is to ensure responsiveness and alignment between business development, delivery and support teams.


FE Colleges and Private Training Providers are facing increased competition in the apprenticeship and commercial training market. Providers that are able to deliver a truly integrated employer responsive service will be able to increase sales, income, market share and quality performance. A key challenge faced by any organisation is to ensure that their business development, training delivery and support teams are working together in perfect harmony.

Course Overview

This course is designed to enable cross-college teams to formulate a vision for employer engagement as well as to identify and create the desired employer-focused culture. Delegates will understand differing roles and responsibilities, develop trust and professional respect and improve communication techniques between teams. It will enable different teams to work together to clear goals and objectives, maximising performance.

Session 1: Strategic Visioning Workshop

  • Building a shared vision for employer responsive work
  • Building a shared understanding of your external environment
  • The change process – Identifying enablers and barriers
  • Defining brand values and desired behaviours

Session 2: Developing Business Development and Curriculum Relationships

  • Understanding roles and responsibilities – Team assessment and presentation
  • Personal behaviours – Respect, trust and communication
  • Team collaboration models – Training exercise
  • Internal alignment – Creating an employer responsive culture

Session 3: Developing Your Business Model

  • Factors in developing a successful commercial business model
  • Team assessment – What do you require to be leaders in employer engagement
  • Developing an operational plan supported with key performance indicators

Session 4: The Employer Engagement Journey

  • Review key learning points
  • Group presentations and commitments
  • Develop personal action plan

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